Hack Insider 2.0

20 Registered Allowed team size: 1
20 Registered Allowed team size: 1

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Apr 20, 2020, 03:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 05, 2020, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)



Hack Insider is the second edition to CodeChef-VIT's annual internal hackathon to help the newly recruited Core Committee Members showcase their skills in the development domain.

About Hack Insider:

We have no restrictions. Work on whichever domain you're comfortable with. You can create a web or a mobile application. If you are a Backend / Machine Learning developer, then you can enhance APIs, apply data analytics, add routes and go berserk!

The best solutions will win exciting prizes.


Frontend Web Development

Use the API provided at https://corona-cc.herokuapp.com/api and make something creative and useful.

The responsivity of your website, idea genuinity and uniqueness, percentage of completion and User Interface will be taken into account for grading.

Documentation Link

Backend Development

Create a system like GitHub's Gist which allows a user to create a page from Markdown syntax.

Percentage of completion, method followed to do the task and extra features implemented will be used to grade your work.

App Development

During this COVID-19 outbreak, departmental stores are crowded at different times during the day. Also, not all supplies are available at every store.

Make an app which can help customers find out which items are available in which store and at what time should they go to spend the least time outside their home.

The User Interface & User Experience, percentage of completion, unique additions to the idea and cross-platform nature of the app will be taken into account for grading.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Find the relationship between stock prices and the COVID-19 outbreak and predict the stock prices accordingly , this is a sample dataset which you can refer to https://bit.ly/CoronaVirusD.

You are free to use your own dataset , find how the stocks of a company are going to vary based on the current situation, use web scraping or any other approach to obtain the news regarding the company and stock prices and create a model out of these parameters to predict the stock price.

The model(s) used and the result will be major factors for grading along with the approach you are taking.

Internet of Things

Encrypt the data before sending it through sockets and de-encrypt it upon receiving (and vice versa) using NodeMCU and a Flask server.

Learn how to create a Flask server: https://bit.ly/CreateFlaskServer.

Percentage of completion and method followed to do the task will be major factors for grading.


Interior Designers design floor plans for buildings and complexes. Looking at these floor plans, it is hard to visualize exactly how that structure will look like. Build a software which provides a 3D model of the structure using the image of the floor design.

You will be judged on how smoothly your software functions, how many different and complex floor designs it can render and how accurate they are compared to the actual structure.


Scrape: http://books.toscrape.com and make a PyPI package for it.

Percentage of completion and technique followed to do the task will be major factors for grading.


Main Prizes
1st Prize

Your project is going to be live on our official servers and you will get the credit for it. We will also present your project at our next expo. Morever, we have special swags and an egghead.io subscription ready for you!

2nd Prize

Your solution will be presented at our next expo in front of hundreds of students. You, will also get special swags for your hard work along with an egghead.io subscription to keep honing your skills.

Help & Support

Please contact event admin
codechef_gmail at codechefvit@gmail.com
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